Feature(may vary by option.)

●2 packs of 24 crayola crayons!
●Perfect for School!
●Ideal for coloring and drawing
●Unlock your childs creativity
●Preffered by teachers

[2 Pack]


From its earliest Beginnings, crayola has been a color. They came into being when cousins Edwin Bonney and C. Harold Smith took over Edwins Fathers pigment business in 1885. More than 120 years later, color - along with creativity, learning and most of all, FUN - is the hallmark of the crayola company. Your imagination is as endless as the combinations of color inside this box of crayola crayons. When youre using crayola, your work might not only hang on the refrigerator - it might also hang in a museum! Move over Picasso - now every creation is a work of art - with crayola!