
●Set of 4 hiss knives
●A quality product from manufacturer
●Made in united states


When we wanted to offer heavy-duty industrial bench grinders we contacted an American manufacturer which specializes in such grinders as well as motors. they pretty well told our buyer that they were not interested in new accounts. this is the kind of attitude and -Inch old thinking-Inch that forces companies to look elsewhere. we immediately contacted the best motor factory in Taiwan one with a proven record and high quality control. this company also makes motors up to 300 hip for the Taiwanese government. we designed our grinders to be better than anything available on the market today and have features like fully adjustable eye shields dust collection ports a built-in light under each eye shield heavy-duty tool rests and removable water/coolant troughs. we own the dies for these grinders and they are only available from grizzly. these grinders are top class industrial-duty. if you are an occasional user these bench grinders may be more than you need. however if you desire the best and want something that can be used in the commercial shop year round - these are the obvious choice. plus they cost a fraction of the price of anything comparable in quality and horsepower. try one..