Feature(may vary by option.)

●High Quality Guarantee: Our shade sail made from non-recycled HDPE (high-density polyethylene) 180gsm, industrial cross-weaving for superior support & long-lasting durability. Ready to hoist upon sturdy connections at all four corners. Easy to install, very thick & durably-enforced webbing. Our shade sail includes 304 Stainless Steel D-rings stitched seamlessly into its corners & comes with nylon ropes for convenience, length & width are measured from D-ring to D-ring
●Various Application: Blocks over 95% of harmful UV rays while allowing a light breeze to pass through and results in significant temperature reduction underneath, The shade sail protects your children, flowers, plants and cars safe from exposure under the sun. Top-quality construction with a multitude of uses such as patio covers, pergola, lawn, garden, pool, pond, deck, vineyard
●Ideal Shade Solutions: Our sun shade sails have straight flat edges to provide additional shade coverage & manufactured with a special technique that prevents drooping. Our sun shade sails get a lot praise from our customers. Energy saving and environmentally friendly, make your resting area shady & cooler than sunny outdoor temperature, unique vibrant style in your outdoor living areas.
●Easy to Install and no maintenance needed: Leave a 1-2 ft space between your fixed point and the shade sail to easily fit hardware or rope. Connect the other ends of cables to existing poles, trees or wall with shade sail ropes included or hardware kits, whichever works best for you.
●Custom Sizes available: Our Shade Sail Canopy Awning Made in USA we value your satisfaction! Please feel free to contact us if you have any questions. We will do our best to solve your problem to ensure you get the best shopping experience.

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Product Description

Shade SailsShade Sails
Sun Shade Sail InstallationSun Shade Sail Installation
Custom MadeCustom Made

Wide ApplicationWide Application

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Wide Application

Wide ApplicationWide Application

Wide ApplicationWide Application

Wide ApplicationWide Application

Product information