
●The chamber is constructed from 2 pieces of optically flat glass. (1) Cover Glass with Surface Graticule (2) Base Unit
●Cover Glass with Surface graticule : The metallic ring hold cover glass is provided with a Surface Graticule ( fine grid ) 1mm in the center which is sub-divided into 100 squares of 0.100X0.100mm
●Base Unit : The metallic base is provided with centrally located elevated two edges encircling precision optical glass piece. This glass piece has optically flat surface with peripherally located flat four elevated quartz pins which are 10 u ( micron ) higher to the flat surface.
●The 10 micron depth of the chamber is ideal or still or movie camera photo microscopy, as it approximately matches he field depth of the objective used in semen analysis
●Accurate semen analysis enhanced through the elimination of the various steps required with the conventional hemocytometer method, in addition the fact that sperm motility is examined each time under identical conditions further increases accuracy.


The applied specimen are spread uniformly and monolayer and are evaluated in one focal plane. Dilution of sample is not necessary even in concentrated specimen. Analysis is to be done directly from the liquefied specimen in its natural environment. All sperms acquire friction free, horizontal movement and are always examined under constant conditions. The specimen can be observed by an inexperienced person quickly as an office procedure while the patient is waiting. Accurate semen analysis enhanced through the elimination of the various steps required with the conventional hemocytometer method, in addition the fact that sperm motility is examined each time under identical conditions further increases accuracy. Errors increased by uncontrolled pressure applied to the cover are thus avoided. The 10 micron depth of the chamber is ideal or still or movie camera photo microscopy, as it approximately matches he field depth of the objective used in semen analysis. The chamber is fastly and easily available for reuse. In a busy laboratory a more number of tests can be done by single technician minimal technical and material requirements.