
●The product includes 12 aromas to smell which are commonly found in Beer and a publication in English on how to train the sense of smell and how to taste Beer.
●Train your sense of smell and your Beer tasting skills. You will rapidly learn to recognise the aromas most frequently found in high quality Beer. This is a must-have tasting tool for both amateurs who are approaching the world of tasting and for expert tasters who want to refine their sense of smell. These aromas are widely used by Beer lovers and professionals in their training courses.
●TASTERPLACE is a supplier of aroma kits to Sommelier Associations.
●It is an elegant gift idea for all Wine lovers and a fun game to play with family and friends.
●Improve rapidly your olfactory memory by training with these aromas. The 12 aromas included are: Orange, Peach, Banana, Black Currant, Cloves, Hay, Pine Resin, Smoked, Honey, Cookie, Coffee, Bread Crust.


TasterPlace Beer Aromas CollectionTasterPlace Beer Aromas Collection


Train your sense of smell.

Learn to recognize and identify beer aromas.

TasterPlace Beer Aromas collectionTasterPlace Beer Aromas collection

TasterPlace Beer aromasTasterPlace Beer aromas

TasterPlace Beer Aromas collectionTasterPlace Beer Aromas collection

TasterPlace Beer Aromas collectionTasterPlace Beer Aromas collection

Elegant and stylish packaging

The packaging is designed to the finest detail: outside is opaque black with writing in glossy, details in orange in accordance with the product color, mini bottles in glass. Refined gift idea.

12 aromas to smell

The aromas are only to smell and not to taste. Train your nose to recognize them one at a time, blindly, in order to be able to identify them in their more delicate form in the bouquets of the beers you taste.

Comprehensive publication

The publication is written in a schematic manner and is easy to read. It contains all the information necessary to enter the world of beer tasting and the discovery of beer aromas.

Easy and fun to use

TASTERPLACE Aromas Collections are easy and fun to use alone or with family or friends. They can become a game or competition among friends and family.


TasterPlace  Aromas collectionsTasterPlace  Aromas collections

TasterPlace Beer Aromas collectionTasterPlace Beer Aromas collection

TasterPlace Beer Aromas collectionTasterPlace Beer Aromas collection

For professionals and for beer lovers

TASTERPLACE Aromas Collections are used by professionals during sommelier courses and beer lovers who want to enter the world of tasting.

Possibility to increase the number of aromas

TASTERPLACE offers additional aromas in order to expand your collection and olfactory vocabulary.

Mini bottle with adaptor

The mini bottles are safe and designed with a small-hole adaptor which renders spills of the liquid more difficult. This increases the safety of the product because the aroma samples are to be used solely for smelling purposes and are not to be ingested, nor applied to the body.

Beer aromas

Beer Aromas contains 12 aromas representative of the principal beers and olfactory categories.

Includes: Orange, Peach, Banana, Black Currant, Cloves, Hay, Pine Resin, Smoked, Honey, Cookie, Coffee, Bread Crust