Feature(may vary by option.)

●510 DAYS OF WORKOUTS - Each fitness journal contains over a year of workout tracking. Yeah, you heard me right. Is anyone even reading this?
●TRACK NUTRITION - Each page has a spot where you can track your daily food intake and macro nutrient numbers. Get those gains. Seriously, just buy the three pack. It is a crazy deal. If you dont I wont be able to afford to feed my cat, Cali.
●COMES WITH BODY TAPE - Each 3 pack fitness notebooks comes with three 60" body measurement tape. Track your progress over time by using our goal setting template.
●BACKED BY RESEARCH - The first thing Your Fitness Journal encourages you to do is set your fitness goals. The best goals are incremental and attainable. Scientific studies suggest that writing your goals down is the bet way to make improvements and bust through plateaus.

[3 Pack]
