Feature(may vary by option.)

●3.2 ounce (90 gram) - Glass Jar
●Ingredients: Cuttlesfish ink, water, salt and thickener (E-466)
●Used as a food coloring and flavoring, providing a black color and a slightly salty taste to foods
●Some popular dishes include squid in squid ink, spaghetti in squid ink, squid ink risotto and paella. Squid ink is very low in calories and is used mostly as a condiment
●Product of Spain



squid ink cuttlefish ink black pasta squid ink pasta black spaghetti squid ink spaghettisquid ink cuttlefish ink black pasta squid ink pasta black spaghetti squid ink spaghetti

Add a Unique Look and Subtle Flavor to Your Signature Dishes!

A popular ingredient in the Mediterranean cuisine, cuttlefish ink is used to color and flavor dishes such as pasta, bread, risotto, fish and croquettes, as well as many dishes of the Spanish and Italian Tradition.

black bread squid ink bread cuttlefish ink breadblack bread squid ink bread cuttlefish ink bread

Make Your Dishes Stand Out!

Cuttlefish Ink adds complexity, a delicate salinity and a charming black sheen to traditional Mediterranean favorites without adding any overpowering fishy taste.

Make your dishes stand out by adding a unique look and subtle flavor with Alma Gourmet Cuttlefish Ink!

squid ink cuttlefish ink black pasta squid ink pasta black spaghetti squid ink spaghetti cuttlefishsquid ink cuttlefish ink black pasta squid ink pasta black spaghetti squid ink spaghetti cuttlefish

The Typical Umami Flavor

Cuttlefish Ink owes its rich flavor to the high level of glutamate that it naturally contains and that gives it that depth of taste that we call umami.

squid ink rice black rice cuttlefish ink rice squid ink rice black rice cuttlefish ink rice

squid ink bread cuttlefish ink bread black bread squid ink bread cuttlefish ink bread black bread

squid ink cuttlefish ink food coloringsquid ink cuttlefish ink food coloring

Black Rice with Seafood

Cuttlefish Ink Bread

Cuttlefish Ink Croquettes

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