Feature(may vary by option.)

●Weave is 24" wide and does not include the fringe along outside
●Handmade and 100% natural
●U.S. business, shipped & sold from the U.S.
●Products are carefully inspected before shipment. Satisfaction guaranteed!

[9 Feet]


Excellent quality rattan cane webbing used for chairs, DIY home decor projects, boho & farmhouse inspired decor, natural earthy material. Applications include chairs, cabinets, cupboards, headboards etc. Dimensions: Material is 24" wide from the inside weave and does not include the fringe along the outside. Available in 2 foot, 4 foot, 6 foot, 8 foot and 10 foot rolls. Recommendations for use: Cut to size and soak for at least 30 minutes prior to use. Use all purpose adhesive spray, staple gun or mini nail gun to apply while still slightly damp. Material will tighten when dry giving a smooth finished look.