
●Each fairy book of the set Russkiye narodnye skazki have 12-16 pages with 1 classic fairy tale
●Russian fairy book had convenient size to held, pages are made from quality glossy paper
●Set of Russian books includes characters familiar to us since old ages: Baba Yaga, Repka, Teremok
●Russian fairy tales book is recommended for parents for reading bedtime stories or for learn Russian
●Russian fairy book with bright pictures will help keep little one entertained, develop imagination


Russkiye narodnyye skazki (Русские народные сказки)Russkiye narodnyye skazki (Русские народные сказки)

Russkiye narodnyye skazki Set of 12 books

Plunge into the magical world with books of Russian fairy tales! With a collection of well-known and beloved fairy tales, the little one will go on an exciting journey, where he will meet good heroes, funny animals and birds, learn good manners, and learn that good always triumphs over evil!

В наборе собраны сказки на русском языке: Теремок, Баба-Яга, Три медведя, Рукавичка, Два жадных медвежонка, Кот в сапогах, Колобок, Гуси-лебеди, Лисичка со скалочкой, Репка, Машенька и медведь, Курочка ряба.

Try to instill a love of reading in your little one as early as possible — this is a useful habit that will be useful to him throughout his life!

The little one will be delighted with magical stories and color pictures, and parents will be pleased with the book format, large font, easy to read. Books are made of glossy paper. They will delight you and the little one for a long time with colorful illustrations that attract the attention and develop imagination.

Fairy tales are presented with a slight reduction.

Recommended for adults to read to little ones from birth.

This book will give parents of young readers a great opportunity to introduce their little ones to the world of Russian folk tales - wise and instructive!

Russian Folk Tales Set of 12 Russian Books Russian Folk Tales Set of 12 Russian Books

Set of Russian Fairy TalesSet of Russian Fairy Tales

Russkiye narodnyye skazki (Русские народные сказки)Russkiye narodnyye skazki (Русские народные сказки)

Fairy tales expand vocabulary and train memory

Little one to whom fairy tales are read learn to speak coherently, colorfully and clearly. It is easier for them to express their thoughts and emotions thanks to an expanded vocabulary. A little one who has learned to perceive simple stories by ear will more easily move on to understanding the text during the first attempts to read independently.

Fairy tales develop fantasy, imagination and logic

Fairy tales teach little one to dream, compose and contribute to the development of creative data that every person initially has. The development of fantasy and imagination is facilitated by the subsequent discussion of the read fairy tale. Parents together with the little one can not only remember the plot, but also compose a continuation of the story. You can imagine how, for example, a cunning fox looked like or what kind of dwelling a fabulous hare had.

Books educate and help to adapt to real life

Thanks to fairy tales, little one learns to understand everyday things, understand the world, interpret events correctly, analyze and look for a way out of difficult situations. Fairy tales about animals do not provide standard solutions to a particular problem, they instill the skill of finding a solution. The fairy-tale world is quite simple, but one of the most important topics for a little onewill definitely be touched upon in a fairy tale - generosity and greed, good and evil, loneliness and friendship.