
●GET RIDICULOUS LAUGHS! – For the office or the day care… POOP SHOOT! is a sure-fire way to bring everyone a little bit closer!
●BUILD LIFELONG SKILLS! – Practice hand-eye coordination, perfect your basketball shots, and develop a joyful and irreverent mentality! All thanks to POOP SHOOT!
●GO HEAD TO HEAD! – Your friends and family need a little friendly competition, right? … POOP SHOOT! makes it possible… with a dose of fun too.
●SQUEEZE OUT SOME TIME WITH THE KIDS! – Ipads and Social Media are no match for a good ol’ fashioned game of POOP SHOOT!
●GET ONE FOR EVERYONE! – Imagine the possibilities … Everyone from little Johnny to Grandma playing POOP SHOOT together at this year’s family reunion. Make a memory!


"Drop a Deuce" on family fun and get the hilarious poop game that gives you the best in two-player fun! You asked for it, and now you’ve got it! Fairly Odd Novelties has finally found a way to turn throwing cute little turds at your friends and family ... A Celebration of Life!!! Just put on your POOP SHOOT! caps (each with a suspended net over the head) - Load up each player with poo-turds – And get ready to show ‘em you mean “Business.” Take long shots across the room for hours on end ... or just "squeeze out" a short little one when you’ve got time. Sometimes the game last a couple minutes ... and sometimes it seems to take hours… You know how it is. Sure... Some people dont want to do it in a public place or at the office ... but POOP SHOOT! is great for any occasion and any place ... although youll probably be most relaxed at home. We get it. "Dropping a Load" of fun into your mundane day is easy now ... With a deep breath and a little poo-throwing fun, your whole world will instantly feel lighter, more relaxed, and just plain better! Not to mention that POOP SHOOT! is a great interactive toy that’s bound to become the “Number Two” gift of all time! So get POOP SHOOTING! This year, and see what all the groans and sighs are really about ... This is the gift that "Lets It Out!" Not to mention that it’s a total “Gas.” plastic material Enjoy Your Relief!