Feature(may vary by option.)

●The Pocket Guide To Fly Fishing For Steelhead is one of the finest guides written on steelhead fishing with a fly
●It covers lines, leaders, knots, tackle, dry & wet fly patterns, steelhead movement, weather conditions & fishing strategies
●There is a section showing 3-D illustrations of types of water in which steelhead will be found & where they are likely to hold
●This guide was reviewed by a major Vancouver, BC newspaper was chosen as one of the finest written on steelhead fishing with a fly
●Here is no better streamside tool for the avid steel header

[Steelhead Flyfishing]

[Fly Casting]

[Fly Fishing]

[Fly Fishing Knots]

[Nymph Fishing]

[Saltwater Fly Fishing]

[Dry Fly Fishing]
