Feature(may vary by option.)

●Allows two sewer hoses with lug fittings to connect to the same dump station.Fit Type: Universal Fit
●Built in gaskets for odor tight connection
●All three ends swivel 360 degrees
●Two ends have bayonet fittings, one has lug fitting
●Perfect for motorhomes with two separate holding tank valves

[Lug Fitting]

[Wye Fitting + Water Filter]

[Bayonet Fitting]

[Wye Fitting]

[Coupler Fitting]


Camcos RhinoFLEX RV Wye allows two sewer hoses with lug fittings to be connected to the same dump station. It has built-in gaskets for odor tight connections. Two ends have bayonet fittings and one end has a lug fitting. All three ends swivel 360 degrees for ease of use.