Feature(may vary by option.)

●【Long Wi-Fi Range and IP64】Long Wi-Fi range up to 300 feet with IP64 weather resistance. Waterproof cover is attached to protect it from dirt when not in use. Supports up to 15A/1875W.
●【Voice and Remote Control】Add voice control to any outdoor outlet. Enjoy the hands-free convenience of controlling any outdoor electronic appliances with your voice via Alexa or Google Home Assistant. Turn electronics on and off from anywhere with your smartphone using the Kasa app, whether you are at home, in the office or on vacation.
●【Easy Set Up and Use】2.4GHz Wi-Fi connection required. Plug in, open the Kasa app, follow the simple instructions and enjoy the wifi smart plug. For landscape lighting, swimming pool pumps, holiday lights, or other appliances.
●【Scheduling】Use schedules or countdown timer to set your smart plug to automatically turn on and off at the time you want. Sunset/sunrise offset makes it even smarter to act according to the real daytime.

[Dimmer 1-Socket]

[1-Socket New Version]

[2-Socket Old Version]


Extend your Smart Home to the outdoors with the Kasa Smart Outdoor Plug KP401 with landscape lighting, swimming pool pumps, holiday lights, or other appliances. Use the sunrise/sunset offsetting to better schedule your connected device. The Kasa app contains not only all the feature you expect from TP-Link Kasa family include smart actions, but also guidance for you through each step of the installation to connect your smart plug with your home Wi-Fi, Alexa or Google assistant.