
●ESP8266 CP2102 NodeMCU LUA ESP-12E WIFI Serial Wireless Module
●Built-in Micro-USB, with flash and reset switches, easy to program
●Arduino compatible, works great with the latest Arduino IDE/Mongoose IoT/Micropython
●Data download access to the website: http://www.nodemcu.com


Product description:
ESP8266 is a highly integrated chip designed for the needs of a new connected world. It offers a complete and self-contained networking solution, allowing it to either host the application or to offload all networking functions from another application processor.
Instruction & Steps of How to use:
1. Download the Arduino IDE, the latest version.
2. Install the IDE
3. Set up your Arduino IDE as: Go to File->Preferences and copy the URL below to get the ESP board manager extensions: http://arduino.esp8266.com/stable/package_esp8266com_index.json Placing the http:// before the URL lets the Arduino IDE use it...otherwise it gives you a protocol error.
4. Go to Tools > Board > Board Manager> Type "esp8266" and download the Community esp8266 and install.
5. Set up your chip as:
Tools -> Board -> NodeMCU 1.0 (ESP-12E Module)
Tools -> Flash Size -> 4M (3M SPIFFS)
Tools -> CPU Frequency -> 80 Mhz
Tools -> Upload Speed -> 921600
Tools-->Port--> (whatever it is)
6. Download and run the 32 bit flasher exe at Github(Search for nodemcu/nodemcu-flasher/tree/master/ at Github) github.com/nodemcu/nodemcu-flasher/tree/master/Win32/Release Or download and run the 64 bit flasher exe at: github.com/nodemcu/nodemcu-flasher/tree/master/Win64/Release
7. In Arduino IDE, look for the old fashioned Blink program. Load, compile and upload.
8. Go to FILE> EXAMPLES> ESP8266> BLINK, it will start blinking.

Note: Please contact us if you need the driver or meet any issue when using. We provide 100% satisfication service for customers.

Package included:
2* HiLetgo ESP8266 NodeMCU CP2102 Development Board