Feature(may vary by option.)

●Pastel dry, soft, suitable for beginners of studies in drawing and fine arts, amateur artists and students in general.
●Composition: inert load, binders and pigments.
●Made in Germany and imported by: A. Faber-Castell C.N.P.J: 59.596.908/0001-52. Service Center: 0800-701-7068. Contains: 36 pastels in assorted colors. ARTISTIC USE.
●Product colour: Mulicor

[Long Soft Dry Pastel]


Cretive Studio dry pastel chalk offers incredible application options. Its pigmentation is very high quality with a smooth deposition. It is easy to be smoked, using just the finger, fabric, cotton or a dimple, and allows the vividness of colors after applying a fastener. The long length is ideal for coloring extensive areas, and its intense colors and vivid hues will add the design to life.