Feature(may vary by option.)

●ORNAMENTS FOR CHRISTMAS TREE: Hand crafted in age-old tradition with techniques that orginated in the 1800s
●CHRISTMAS DECORATIONS: Molten glass is mouth-blown into finely carved molds
●UNIQUE GIFTS: Ornaments are all hand-painted and glittered in a series of labor-intensive steps to achieve the beautiful creations
●SANTA WITH CALLING BIRDS ORNAMENT: Traditionally designed, hand-crafted ornaments
●SIZE: Ornament Dimensions in Inches: 3. 5 x 2 x 1. 5

[Believe Santa]

[Calling Bird]

[Short Stuff Santa]

[Furry Friends]

[Santa Kitten]


The legend of Santa Claus is derived from the European figure of St. Nicholas, and birds are his special messengers. They fly through towns and cities watching children to see if they have been good, then return to report what they have seen.