Feature(may vary by option.)

●Adjustable sizing at the push of a button! Medium expands from size 2 to 5. Small expands from 11J-1
●Deluxe Comfort Liner, Locking Cam-Lever Buckle, Power Strap and speed laces.
●Fast Silver-5 Speed Rated (carbon) Bearings
●Reinforced Polymer Frame with Lighted Urethane wheels (Medium has 72 mm; Small has 64 mm)
●Ventilation to keep feet cool; Brake on right skate

[Black  & Green 2 Small]

[White  & Teal Medium]

[Black  & Green Medium]

[Black  & Pink Medium]


Roller Derby Logo with variety of skatesRoller Derby Logo with variety of skates
Lighted wheel skates in 3 different colors with Roller Derby LogoLighted wheel skates in 3 different colors with Roller Derby Logo

Watch them learn to skate as they grow in the Stryde Adjustable Inline Skates. Grippy, bouncy, indoor/outdoor Urethane wheels with speedy Silver-5 bearings ensure a smooth, quiet and confident ride. Designed to expand with growing feet, the Stryde adjusts up to four full sizes at the push of a button. Size small adjusts from childrens shoe sizes 11J-1 and has 64mm wheels. Size medium adjusts from childrens shoe size 2-5 and has 72mm wheels. Roller Derby is Americas Skate Company since 1936.


Close up of boot and straps of Stryde SkateClose up of boot and straps of Stryde Skate

Close up of push button adjustable mechanismClose up of push button adjustable mechanism

Close up of light up wheelsClose up of light up wheels

Secure Fit

Lace up design with velcro strap and ankle buckle provide a secure custom fit!


Stryde features an easy push button mechanism that allows the skate sizing to be adjusted quickly and easily.

Light Up Wheels

The light up wheels do not require batteries and offer an added layer of fun for skaters!

Sizing chart and info graphicSizing chart and info graphic

Product information