

Spring Steel E-Clips


Spring Steel E-Clips

E-clips also known as E-Rings, are used to secure parts onto a shaft. They fit into grooves in the side of the shaft for a snug fit. More often than not a E-Clip or E-Ring with fit inside a groove on a shaft. All of our E-Clips are made of spring steel with Black Oxide Coating. All of our E-Clips are imported from Quality Chinese Manufacturers and then conveniently packaged for little waste.

To determine the E-clip you need, measure the shaft and then order the same size clip. E-Clips are sized to the shaft and not to the the groove in the shaft. An E-clip fits right when it snaps into the groove and then floats freely or moves with just a little friction. It should take some force to pull the replacement E-clip off the shaft.

E-Clips and Snap Rings are similar except that E-Clips are installed from the side and can be installed with a small pair of needle nose pliers while snap rings are installed from the side with a special pair of snap ring pliers. Although Snap Rings can support a higher side load, sometimes this isnt necessary and E-Clips are easier to install and less likely to be damaged when installed.

E-clips are used to restrict the loosening of the components due to the rapid rotational motion. They are inserted into grooves placed on shafts to create a shoulder that retains the assembly.

Common E-Clip Uses:

  • Carburetor Jet Needle
  • Carburetor Linkage
  • R/C Hobby Cars, Boats and Airplane Linkage
  • Autonomic toy linkage
  • Anywhere a shaft must be retained
  • Anywhere lever must be held onto a shaft