Feature(may vary by option.)

●Meets ASTM and other standards
●Approved to be used in all grades from elementary school to universities
●Approved for the thousands of children and adults in leagues throughout the United States


[Royal Blue]


[Navy Blue]


THE FORCEFIELD FF(TM) PROTECTIVE SWEATBAND IS THE MOST UNIVERSAL PROTECTIVE HEAD HEADGEAR IN THE HISTORY OF PROTECTIVE HEADGEAR FOR SPORTS, RECREATION, AND MEDICAL APPLICATIONS. Dr. C. J. Abraham’s patented ForceField FF(TM) Protective Headgear are not only the leading provider of headgear for soccer in the United States. The headgear is also being used for basketball, ice skating, cheerleading, under professional jockey’s helmet, flag football, women’s lacrosse, floor hockey, hiking, infants and young children in playgrounds, dwarfs and infants learning to walk, autistic children who are prone to hitting their heads, in Veteran’s hospitals, and the elderly in nursing homes and in their own residences who are prone to falling.