Feature(may vary by option.)

●The strapping dispenser/cart is an accessory that prevents strapping from unwinding on oscillating steel coils and plastic strapping; this dispenser is perfect for 16 x 3 and 16 x 6 steel coils and plastic strapping coils.
●All components are made from high quality steel materials that are extremely robust and built to last, with heavy duty wheels and a sturdy handle for durability and portability.
●Advanced roller brake system prevents kinking and spillage and provides a consistent free strapping flow.
●Features a large storage tray for seals and other strapping tools, with a convenient handle for easy transport to the job site.
●8" wheels for easy Manoeuvrability, oversized wheels and axles for added strength and durability, the tool simplifies the packaging process and saves labour time.

[Black-16   Core]
