Feature(may vary by option.)

●Bring Gremlins to life in LEGO Dimensions with Gizmo and Stripe! Build the popular rivals on the LEGO Toy Pad and launch them into the multiverse.
●Includes Gizmo, Stripe, R.C. Racer car and Flash n Finish camera
●Not Machine Specific

[Gremlins Team Pack]

[Harry Potter Team Pack]


Bring Gremlins to life in LEGO Dimensions with Gizmo and Stripe! Build the popular rivals on the LEGO Toy Pad and launch them into the multiverse. Use Gizmos Combat Roll and Dash Attack abilities to get him out of sticky situations but watch out for Stripe as he uses his claws with his Vine Cut ability. Unlock the exclusive Adventure World and Battle Arena and jump into the R.C. Racer, or grab the Flash n Finish for some bright light fun. Rebuild the R.C. Racer into Gadget-o-matic and Scarlet Scorpion, and the Flash n Finish into Rampage Record Player and Stripes Throne.