
●fast2fuse Fusible Interfacing Light
●Use this on purses; totes; pouches; hats; crafts; art quilts and more
●The interfacing has a light-weight stiffness; is easy to mark; cut and sew and is perfect for fabric and paper


Product Description

Achieve the perfect balance of stability and smooth finish withthis lightweight fusible stiff interfacing―ideal for tote bags, purses,sandwich wraps, hats, costumes, soft sculptures…anywhere you need a littleextra support.


A new lightweight version of fast2fuse interfacing is now available. This lightweight interfacing provides structure without adding bulk or unnecessary stiffness, so you can achieve a balance of stability and smoothness. It is ideal for totes, purses, sandwich wraps, hats, costumes, soft sculptures, and anywhere you want a little extra support. fast2fuse light is made in the U.S.A. and is available as a 15" x 18" piece or as yardage from the bolt. ― Quilters Digest