
●✅ NATURAL REMEDY - Nobody wants to have to take medication or go under the knife to treat their back pain. This instructional DVD gives you an at home set by step program to treat and prevent many types of back pain
●✅ PAIN ON STANDING? - How many times have you got up from your desk and felt a sharp pain or felt lower back stiffness? This DVD explains why and how to alleviate it. PLEASE NOTE HALF OF THE STRETCHES ARE COMPLETED ON THE FLOOR.
●✅ TREATS MANY TYPES OF PAIN - Not just for the lower back. This program gives you stretches to help alleviate or prevent sciatica, neck pain, shoulder tension, upper back ache, piriformis syndrome, headaches, TMJ dysfunction and of course, lower back pain
●✅ EASY TO FOLLOW - You will be left in no doubt of how to complete each stretch. Absolutely clear and detailed instructions of the muscle the stretch is targeting and how to complete each exercise safely and effectively, the muscle the stretch is targeting and the type of pain each stretch will treat and alleviate. PLEASE NOTE THIS IS NOT A WORKOUT PROGRAM IT IS AN INSTRUCTIONAL PROTOCOL TO TEACH YOU SPECIFIC STRETCHES THAT COULD HELP ALLEVIATE YOUR BACK PAIN.
●✅ LIFE CHANGER - So many people’s back pain is caused by postural issues. Short tight muscles draw our bones out of alignment. This causes pain and discomfort even when we make simple everyday movements. It effects your sleep and can leave you feeling downright depressed. This back pain DVD provides a solution that goes straight to the core of the matter with a natural and proactive program you can do in the comfort of your own home


Natural Back Pain ReliefNatural Back Pain Relief

Tackle Back Pain the Right Way!

Cheryl Alker is a postural alignment specialist that has worked in the health and wellness industry for over 40 years.

She develops training courses to assist people of all ages suffering with back and joint pain.

"I understand that pain is indiscriminate and can affect professional athletes, office workers, someone with a hip replacement and everyone in between. Having an aging body myself I have developed empathy and core understanding of how it actually feels to have joint stiffness, back pain and poor movement quality which means I can help, because if it works for me it will work for you."

Assisted yoga stretchAssisted yoga stretch

Be Free from Pain the Natural Way

Taking medication just masks pain but the cause of the pain remains.

The movement pattern you have developed over years of poor posture, poor flexibility or poor strength can often be the cause of the very pain that you are trying to mask.

Why not try going to the root of the problem and fix the cause?

It could be life changing!

Assisted StretchAssisted Stretch

I Believe

I believe that as humans we learn by understanding not copying.

Your body should not be a mystery to you.

This is why my courses dont just show you how but why.

Believe me when we say "pain and stiffness in your joints should not inhibit your everyday movements. You should be able to function fluidly and easily."

Hamstring StretchHamstring Stretch

My Promise

I am dedicated to providing you with natural superior quality pain relief solutions, not in the form of supplements or pills, but self-help training courses that will give you step by step guides on how to regain mobility without pain and help you on your journey to a pain free life.

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