Feature(may vary by option.)

●Tourna Quasi Gut is a premium multifilament that delivers maximum comfort, touch, and feel. Its meant to mimic the softness and playability of Natural Gut.
●Quasi Gut Armor string is a great option for players that have tennis elbow given the soft and elastic nature of the string
●Constructed with thousands of twisted microfibers, each infused with a premium thermo-elastic polyurethane resin, and wrapped with two ribbons of co-polyester
●The soft PU infused multifilament inner core reduces shock and vibration, keeping the string comfortable and arm friendly while also making this a very powerful string
●The poly ribbons increase the durability and reduce the fraying that multifilaments experience over time
●This makes Quasi Gut ideal for hybrid setups where the other string is a stiffer polyester
●The USRSA voted this the second highest rating for COMFORT out of 175 strings tested to date. Second only to pure Natural Gut.

[17g reel]

[16g set]

[16g reel]
