Feature(may vary by option.)

●Sordin military hearing protectors have been updated with a new advanced natural sound reproduction system. They now feature improved noise amplification of their surroundings compared to previous MSA Sordin models.
●The PRO X from Sordin comes with 4 levels (1:4) levels of sound amplification. Integrated speakers in the head set amplify quiet sounds and reproduce surrounding noise crystal clear.
●The sound reduction rating of the headset is rated at SNR: 25dB, a mean value. This means that noise around you can be reduced by up to 25dB.
●Each microphone has been water proofed, making the earmuffs perfect for outdoor use in the woods or field. It can also be used indoors at shooting ranges or noisy workplaces.
●Two microphones in the ear muff recreate excellent 3D audio. You will not have to worry about losing your orientation in any noisy situation.


