Feature(may vary by option.)

●Premium Quality: Made with firm, crepe-textured paper, our filters efficiently remove oils and gritty sediment, ensuring a full-bodied and smooth coffee experience.
●Perfect Fit - Made to fit all 12 cup coffee makers which use cone filters. Not for use with pour-over coffee makers. If you arent sure what size coffee filter to use, please consult the packaging for your coffee brewer.
●Superior Taste - Paper filters remove most oils and micro coffee particles which cause coffee to turn bitter. Metal and cloth filters can let these into your cup.
●Made In The USA - Biodegradable and made from paper, a renewable resource. All manufactured right here in the US.
●Easy Clean Up - Disposable filters mean that you can toss the grounds without needing to clean out a metal filter.

[100 Natural Unbleached]

[400 Natural Unbleached]


Elevate your coffee ritual with these #4 Cone Coffee Filters, meticulously crafted to brew the perfect cup every time. Our filters are specially designed to fit most standard cone or basket-style coffee makers. Note: These filters are *not* pour over filters.