Feature(may vary by option.)

●Brachiopods first appeared about 500 millon years ago. They are a type of marine invertebrate animal.
●Gastropods can date back to 500 million years ago. Gastropods are a tyoe of snail that includes over 40.000 species.
●Clams can date back to about 510 million years ago. Clams are often called bivalves because their shell is composed of two parts called valves.
●Crinoids can date back to 300 million years ago. Crinoids are stem fragments, crinoids resemble flowers, with their cluster waving arms atop a long stem, they are also known as sea lillies.
●Orthoceras lived more than 400 million years ago. The name means straight horn, referring to the characteristic long, straight, conical shell. Some examples of Orthoceras fossil animals are snails, slugs, oysters, clams, octopus, and squid.

