Feature(may vary by option.)

●Deployment Zone Gauges. Half-inch wide gauges from 3.5-inch long straights to 2-inch corners and crosses.
●Universal gauges for outlining deployments, hazard zones, and objective areas for any game! Compatible with Warhammer 40,000 10th edition rules*.
●Not 3D printed or injection-molded. No sprues to cut away, no flash. Same size every time. Smooth laser-cut edges have no burrs like injection-molded parts. UV Printed and precision laser cut for perfectly aligned text and symbols.Not 3D printed or injection-molded. No sprues to cut away, no flash. Same size every time. Smooth laser-cut edges have no burrs like injection-molded parts. UV Printed and precision laser cut for perfectly aligned text and symbols.
●All LITKO products are designed, manufactured, packaged, and supported in the USA. LITKO products Upgrade Your Game!

[Fluorescent Orange]

[Yellow & Black]


Mark your deployment zones with these bright and easy-to-see templates. Enough templates to mark a normal-sized battlefield. Great for marking out odd game setups with mixed terrain features.