Feature(may vary by option.)

●Simply Safe: The SocketSitter safety connector slides behind your outlet cover so the safety plugs are always attached, never lost and never a choking hazard.
●Simply Smart: SocketSitter is available in parent pleasing colors that are designed with low-contrast colors to limit a babies’ unwanted attention.
●Simply Premium: SocketSitter is made of high-quality durable plastic for a better child safety plug.
●Simply Easy to Install: Create a small gap between the outlet plate cover and the wall; No need to remove the plate cover!
●Simply Better Baby Proofing! Each box has 6 SocketSitters (coveres 12 Outlets!)

[Crisp White]

[Lullaby Lilac]

[Blissful Blue]


Solo Safety Plugs are DangerousSolo Safety Plugs are Dangerous

Solo Safety Plugs are Dangerous!

Always Connected, Always Safe

Always ConnectedAlways Connected

Never Lost and Never a Choking Hazard!

SocketSitter child safety outlet plug slides behind your outlet cover so the safety plugs are always attached, never lost, never forgotten, and never a choking hazard.

Simply Better Baby Proofing

Always Connected, Never LostAlways Connected, Never Lost

Always Connected, Never a Choking HazardAlways Connected, Never a Choking Hazard

Easy to InstallEasy to Install

Modern BeautyModern Beauty

Never Forgotten

It is ALWAYS connected to the outlet so they are never lost, never forgotten, never stepped on, and never a choking hazard!

Never a Choking Hazard

50% Connected = 0% Safe.

Other outlet plugs are destined to be forgotten, lost, vacuumed up, and forgotten, becoming choking (and stepping) hazards!

Easy to Install

SocketSitter safety connector easily slides behind your outlet cover so it is never forgotten!

Modern Design

SocketSitter is available in parent pleasing colors that are designed with low-contrast colors to limit a babies’ unwanted attention.

Simply Safe!

Life Can be ChaoticLife Can be Chaotic

Product information