Feature(may vary by option.)

●This listing is for 6 yard of 4 inch wide, white, iron-on buckram. One side of the buckram is fusible. You run a hot iron over the buckram to fuse it together.
●Drapery Heading Tape, Crinoline, Buckram
●Iron-On/ Iron-In, Fusible White
●Approximately 1/2 oz per yard
●See our other listings in 1 yard, 9 yard, 12 yard, 18 yard, 24 yard, 30 yard, 36 yard, 42 yard, 50 yard, and 100 yard




4 inch wide, WHITE, iron-on buckram. Iron-on buckram is fusible- heat fuses the buckram to the drapery fabric. Buy in 6 yards, 9 yards, 12 yards, 18 yards, 24 yards, 30 yards, 36 yards, 42 yards, 50 yards.