Feature(may vary by option.)

●Diverse Variety: Total 24pcs 8 size fly fishing lures, each a unique piece of art, carefully crafted for trout and bass enthusiasts.
●Proven Performance: Ansnbo fly fishing flys are proven to attract and hook a variety of freshwater species, ensuring a successful and satisfying fishing expedition.
●Enhanced Fishing Experience: Elevate your angling adventures with the perfect blend of form and function in each handcrafted fly.
●Hand-Tied Craftsmanship: Each fishing fly is hand-tied with precision, ensuring durability and effectiveness in different water conditions.
●Eco-Friendly Materials: Crafted with environmentally friendly materials, these flies contribute to sustainable fishing practices, preserving the beauty of nature.

[12PCS Fishing Flies]

[24PCS Dry Wet Flies]
