Feature(may vary by option.)

●Vibrant and non-toxic ball pit balls for toddlers, promoting safe and colorful play experiences. Available in pack sizes of 100 balls, providing ample quantities for engaging ball pit setups. Shape Include: Bear Balls, Star Balls, Round Balls.
●Crush-proof plastic play pit balls, designed to withstand active play and ensure durability. Their lightweight and bouncy hollow design adds an extra element of fun.
●Versatile usage in ball pits, baby pools, or creative play setups, offering multi-purpose entertainment options for indoor and outdoor play.
●Perfect for toddlers , these balls stimulate sensory exploration, motor skills development, and imaginative play.
●High-quality plastic balls, easy to clean and maintain, ensuring a hygienic play environment. Create an ocean-themed ball pit or any colorful ball pit setup for endless hours of joy.

[3 shape of pearl purple balls]

[3 shape of pearl brown balls]

[Pearl Pink Stars]

[Pearl Green Stars]

[Pearl Red Stars]

[White Stars]

[Green Stars]

[Black Stars]

[3 shape of pearl blue balls]

[3 Shape of Green Balls]


[3 shape of white balls]

[Pearl Blue Stars]

[Pearl White Stars]

[Yellow Stars]

[Purple Stars]

[3 shape of pearl white balls]

[Pearl Purple Stars]

[Clear Stars]

[Brown Stars]

[White Hearts]



[3 shape of pearl pink balls]

[Pearl Brown Stars]

[3 shape of gray balls]

[Blue Stars]

[White Bear Balls]

[Beige Stars]

[Pearl Gold Stars]

[Gray Stars]

[pearl white]

[3 shape of beige balls]

[Milktea Stars]

[Beige Bear Balls]


Usage Scenarios

Playrooms: Ball pit balls are often used in playrooms as a fun and interactive toy for kids to play with.
Indoor playgrounds: Many indoor playgrounds feature ball pits filled with ball pit balls as a fun and safe play area for children.
Parties: Ball pit balls can be used as decorations or as part of party activities, such as a ball pit party or scavenger hunt.
Therapy or sensory play: Ball pit balls can be used in therapy or sensory play activities to improve hand-eye coordination, gross motor skills, and sensory awareness.
Outdoor play: Some people use ball pit balls for outdoor activities such as in a backyard play area or at the beach.
Occupational therapy: Ball pit balls can be used in occupational therapy to help develop fine motor skills and hand strength.
Classroom activities: Ball pit balls can be used in classroom activities to make learning more interactive and engaging.
Stress relief: Playing with ball pit balls can be a fun and relaxing way to relieve stress and improve mood.
Photography: Ball pit balls can be used as props in creative photography shoots, especially for kids and babies.