Feature(may vary by option.)

●1, High Quality Affordable Models: The Anatomical Spine Model is a life-size and scientifically accurate representation of the human spine, making it an ideal spine model for the study of human anatomy. And we use high quality plastic materials to make spine models that are non-toxic, durable, easy to clean and preserve.
●2, Easy explanation and distinction: Different bone structures are pained in different colour for easy explanation and distinction It is more user-friendly and ideal for beginners and lay people than books and charts, and can better explain spinal conditions to patients and greatly improve the efficiency of doctor-patient communication.
●3, Realistic and Flexible Spinal Anatomy :Our spinal cord Model cast from real human spinal bones. The model is cast from real human specimen, which preserve maximum bone details and all scientific features of human structures;This spinal skeleton model offers a medical study quality model for anatomy and art students.
●4, This spine model is appropriate for teaching and presenting, regardless of whether youre a doctor, teacher, student, parent, artist, or anybody else interested in anatomy. The anatomical spine model, which contains detachable femur heads, will be an excellent teaching tool for chiropractic students and physical therapists as well as for demonstrations and clinic decoration.
●5, Wide Range Of Uses: Human lumbar spinal column is ideal for use in a doctors office or a school. Excellent teaching presentation tools for patient education and anatomical research.

[Colorful Spine Model]

[Spine Model]

[White Spine Model]


Flexible Spine Model