Feature(may vary by option.)

●Pure Bliss: 15 years and over 3 million babies worn later, we’re thrilled to introduce our first-ever hybrid baby carrier wrap: Boba Bliss. Crafted to soothe your little one to sleep, the Boba Bliss will keep your baby calm, content, and connected, and help reduce those tearful moments.

[Black Bliss]

[Navy Blue Bliss]

[Bloom Bliss]

[Sea Mist]

[Grey Bliss]



The best of both worlds Discover babywearing Bliss with the ease of a carrier and the soft snugness of a wrap! Forget about ties and knots. With three easy-to-use buckles and innovative loop fastenings, this soft and gentle newborn carrier is quick and easy to put on and seamlessly adjusts to all your needs. Blissful sleep No twists. No flips. No noise. No fuss. The innovative loop design allows you to switch to sleep mode with one seamless and whisper-quiet motion! The supportive and breathable headrest lulls your baby to a blissful sleep and enables skin-to-skin contact and fuss-free breastfeeding on the go. Heart-to-heart connection Reap all the benefits of carrying your little one in the heart-to-heart position from day one! The baby chest carrier keeps your baby close to your center of gravity and evenly distributes its weight around your body. The upright tummy-to-tummy position helps calm colic and reduces gas and reflux. Hip health matters Featuring a gathered seat that grows with your little one, this infant carrier seamlessly adapts to your baby and supports healthy hip, leg, and pelvis positioning. The padded leg openings further ensure your little one enjoys a comfortable ride all day long. Born to be worn Wearing your little one in the baby holder wrap helps regulate their heart rate and body temperature, reduces crying, and introduces them to a variety of sights, sounds, and sensations!