Feature(may vary by option.)

●Cover: 65% Polyester, 35 % Cotton Exclusive of Decoration
●COMPACT SUPPORT: Designed specifically for baby’s daily tummy time
●MAKE IT FUN: Patented SlideLine system attaches your babys favorite toy to make tummy time fun and more active
●TOYS INCUDED: Plush crinkle toy and rubber teething ring included
●EASY CARE: Easy-wipe fabric for the little messes and machine washable for the big ones

[Black White and Rainbows]

[Golden Sun]


That same Boppy shape in a slightly smaller size. Specifically designed for tummy time. Get comfortable support for baby during tummy time. The Boppy Tummy Time Prop integrates Boppy’s patented SlideLine® system to attach toys to make tummy time more interactive. Leave on the included plush crinkle toy and rubber teething ring or swap out for baby’s favorites to encourage longer and more active tummy time. The size is great for smaller babies practicing tummy time. It also is great for play on the go while baby grows. This prop is designed specifically for tummy time and is smaller than the Boppy® Original Nursing Support.