
●2-PACK of 2 Circuits Detail:2x2, Free Hanging without Ears
●Voltage rating: 250V.AC/DC
●Current rating: 6A Max, Pitch - Mating Interface 3.68mm
●The temperature range from -40°C to 125°C,
●Terminal Wired Applicable wires: 18-24 AWG


4-PIN compatible with WESTERN Fisher Snow Plow Controller Truck Unimount

Pro Kit Contents:
Qty: 2 - 4-Circuits Plug Free Hanging (without Ears)
Qty: 2 - 4-Circuits Receptacles Free Hanging (without Ears)
Qty: 8 - Male Crimp Pins Standard .062" 18-24 AWG (1 more extra Pins)
Qty: 8 - Female Crimp Sockets Standard .062" 18-24 AWG ( 1 more extra Pins)