Feature(may vary by option.)

●【8 Pieces】 Wood Panel Connector Bracket Sets, 4 Left and 4 Right, Enough to Connect 4 Corners. Great for Holding Gates and Side Panels Together. 【Durable】 Heavy Duty Steel, Zinc Coated to Prevent Rusting. 【Size】4" Long x 2-1/2" High - 3 Screw Holes (5/16" diameter). 【Easy Installation】Direct Bolt On.




【8 Pieces】 Wood Panel Connector Bracket Sets, 4 Left and 4 Right, Enough to Connect 4 Corners. Great for Holding Gates and Side Panels Together.
【Durable】 Heavy Duty Steel, Zinc Coated to Prevent Rusting.
【Size】4" Long x 2-1/2" High - 3 Screw Holes (5/16" diameter).
【Easy Installation】Direct Bolt On.