Feature(may vary by option.)

●💩【Handmade & Good quality】This little crocheted poo is absolutley adorable!!! Great little positive reminder that you important. Very well made, stitching is flawless and shape is perfect. Cute little size for display. When pinch it, you will feel so soft to the touch but not floppy.
●🥔【A Little Poo from Me to You】Give this gift to someone who is feeling a little down. The item is a cute and novelty crocheted poo shape that comes with a positive message. Great gift for those that might be having a crappy day
●🎁【OMG So Stinking Cute】Look, this tiny little emotional support poo is such a cutie! They are genuinely adorable and make people smile. They’re completely silly, but when you add them to a flower arrangement or a gift basket, they’re the perfect little extra boost of happiness.
●🥔【Dont Forget to Stay Positive】Life is always full of disappointments, but don't forget to stay positive! By owning this Positive Poo, you'll always be reminded that. Tough times will pass, and the encouragement this little gadget brings is just unimaginable!
●💩【Creative Gift Idea】It's such a creative concept, which is the perfect thing to give to someone who's going through a tough time or just needs a smile on their face. Never miss this small tiny gag gift this year. Overall, positive poo is a great addition to any encouraging gift. Make this year's Christmas gift a little more special!



[Hot Dog]

[French Fries]


Positive Poo Potato Partner Emotional Support Hot Dog