Feature(may vary by option.)

●★【Function Description】 The DRV8825 module is a high-performance stepper motor driver designed for controlling bipolar stepper motors. It provides precise step control and has a high current driving capability.
●★【Technical Specifications】 DRV8825 module include input voltage range, maximum drive current, and microstepping resolution settings. It is compatibility with popular development platforms like Arduino.
●★【Multiple modes】Six different step resolutions: full step, half step, 1/4-step1/8-step 1/16-step, 1/32-step
●★【Special Features】 It have features like overcurrent protection, overheat protection, and low-power consumption. These special features contribute to the safety and reliability of the system.
●★【Application Areas】It can be used in 3D printers, robots, CNC machines, and other applications that require precise stepper motor control.eatures contribute to the safety and reliability of the system.




  • The DRV8825 module is a high-performance stepper motor driver designed for controlling bipolar stepper motors. It provides precise step control and has a high current driving capability.
  • DRV8825 module include input voltage range, maximum drive current, and microstepping resolution settings. It is compatibility with popular development platforms like Arduino.
  • Six different step resolutions: full step, half step, 1/4-step1/8-step 1/16-step, 1/32-step




  • Flame retardant material
  • Insulated flame-retardant materlal, resistant to hightemperature, low heat generation, and not easilydamaged

  • Conductive safety
  • Safe conductive, not prone to leakage, stableworking voltage

  • Supports 3D printer
  • in stallationIn situations where stepper motors need to bedriven. Building modules such as 3D printers,CNC engraving machines, etc