Feature(may vary by option.)

●I dance to my own music!
●My horn lights up and changes color!
●I make cute unicorn sounds!
●Groom me with my brush and feed me my donut!
●Pat Me! I Nuzzle up to you!
●See and hear me trot!




Little Live Sugardust Dancing Unicorn is what every child dreams of! This interactive unicorn reacts to your touch! With a beautiful mane to brush and a horn that lights up, this amazing unicorn reacts to your touch and nuzzles up to you. Gently caress the side of her neck and she will nuzzle you and make her horn glow red! Stroke her back and her horn will glow red and she will start to trot! Pet her again and she will start to canter and eventually dance for you to her own music! Press her heart button on Sugardusts side and she will dance and her horn will strobe in multiple colors! Sugardust comes with her own brush to groom her and her favourite donut to feed her! You will hear her eating and her horn will light up green! Brush and Unicorn’s donut included. Sugardust shines brightly when she enters the room. Not just because of her magical mane and shining horn, but because shes always happy and making those around her feel special. She has a huge heart that would do anything for anybody. She enjoys trotting to music and helping her friends and family.