Feature(may vary by option.)

●Patent Design: this doorbell button is made of solid and sleek metal material that is waterproof and reliable, (tolerance temperature: -4 degrees Fahrenheit to 240 degrees Fahrenheit), a good replacement for your old, yellowed, cracked plastic button
●Bright LED Light: the LED light doorbell button is on 24 hours a day; Provide visibility after dark and your visitors wont spend time looking for your doorbell; It doesnt get hot or burn out like bulbs
●Widely Application: simple wall mounted doorbell button switches with light is classic design that can be applied on stucco or wood surfaces, for front doors or garage door openers
●Simple Installation: the package comes with mounting screw holes and may not need to be drilled if applied as a replacement doorbell button (the distance between the screw holes is 2 inch); Bell wire is not included
●Note: working voltage 8-24V; If you use a digital ringtone (play the melody; Speakers with sound), diodes are required (not included); If you are using a mechanical doorbell ring (2 note sound; Like a mallet hitting a metal bar), no diode is needed

[1 Stylish Style]

[2 Stylish Style]



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