
●Highly Sought After: This plant showcases stunning hanging red roots, making it a standout in any aquatic environment.
●Dynamic Color Changes: The leaves of the Red Root Floater transform into a deep red hue when exposed to high lighting, adding a splash of color to your aquarium.
●Water Quality Enhancement: Known to naturally remove nitrates, this plant not only beautifies your space but also promotes higher water quality, ensuring a healthier habitat for your aquatic pets.
●Natural Shelter: The dense foliage provides excellent cover and a safe haven for small fish and baby fry, creating a vibrant and interactive ecosystem.
●Eco-Friendly and Sustainable: Cultivated with organic practices, this plant is a sustainable choice that supports eco-friendly living.


Introduce a touch of natural beauty to your indoor aquatic space with the Red Root Floater from TMD Fishkeeping. An organic, lightweight aquatic plant, it boasts light to deep red roots and light to dark green leaves that offer a visually appealing contrast. Besides being an aesthetic delight, this plant plays a crucial role in maintaining a clean and healthy water environment by absorbing excess nitrates. Its dense growth offers a protective cover for small fish and fry, making it an essential addition for aquarium enthusiasts. Enhance your aquatic space with this eco-friendly and tear-resistant plant that promises long-lasting beauty and functionality. Whether youre a seasoned aquarist or just starting, the Red Root Floater is a perfect choice for a lively and healthy aquarium.