Feature(may vary by option.)

●High performance waterproofer designed to enhance the performance of wet weather cotton and polycotton items
●Easy to use wash-in waterproofing for all cotton, polycotton, canvas clothing and equipment adds water repellency, revives breathability, and reduces water absorbency
●Enhances the performance of your gear, keeping you warmer and drier
●Recommended for all cotton and polycotton clothing and gear
●Nikwax products are PFAS-free, water based, non-persistent, and contain no optical brighteners or added scent. Machine wash safe
●All items must first be cleaned with Nikwax Tech Wash before waterproofing. Household cleaners leave behind water attracting residues
●One full cap of product is approximately 50ml

[33.8 fl. oz]

[10 fl. oz]
