Feature(may vary by option.)

●INSTANT NOTIFICATIONS: Stay informed at the first sign of potential water leaks with real-time alerts and notifications sent directly to your mobile device via the YoLink app, available on both iOS and Android, anytime and anywhere!
●DETAILED WATER CONSUMPTION REPORTS: Gain insights into your water usage with YoLink FlowSmart Controls detailed water consumption reports, providing hourly, daily, weekly, and monthly data that can be saved and exported, empowering you to make informed decisions about your water usage.
●CUSTOMIZED WATER DETECTION: Utilize the app to set up to 6 different time slots, with the flexibility to add personalized leakage parameters and define specific maximum volumes for automated valve shutoffs.
●ADAPTABLE LEAK DETECTION MODES: Choose between constant or conditional leak detection modes and bypass preset schedules when necessary, giving you the flexibility to create a schedule that works best for you
●INDUSTRY-LEADING BATTERY LIFE: Our YoLink FlowSmart Meter has batteries that lasts up to 10 years! Invest in sustainability and peace of mind with a reliable meter that’s built to perform year after year.
●ADVANCED DISPLAY SETTINGS: For optimal energy efficiency, the screen unit intelligently defaults to an “off” setting designed to ensure that the device is only active when you need it!
●HUB INCLUDED: A hub is required to allow for full functionality of FlowSmart Control, and allows for 3rd-party integration with Amazon Alexa and Google Assistant as well as the potential to connect with a comprehensive offering of products that YoLink provides for a complete smart home automation system.

