Feature(may vary by option.)

●Fossil has always been inspired by American creativity and ingenuity. Since 1984, we’ve strived to bring new life into the industry by making quality, fashionable watches and accessories that were both fun and accessible.
●Whats the password? Its Andrew. With 4 card slots, a magnetic money clip, and a zipper pocket - this wallet is the unlock to organization.
●Exterior Detail: LiteHide Leather, 1 Magnetic Money Clip, 1 Top Zipper Pocket, 3 Credit Card Slots; imported.
●Interior Detail: 1 Credit Card Slot
●Measurements: 4.25" L x 0.375" W x 3.25" H
●LiteHide Leather is leather that has undergone resource-efficient raw materials processing that significantly reduces water consumption, wastewater pollution, CO2 emissions, and waste.


[Lead Gray]




Our wallets for men are created with durable material, sturdy hardware and the latest trends. No matter which size or silhouette is your favorite, all have dedicated pockets and compartments for your ID, cash and credit cards so you can stay organized.