
●8 Audio CD Set than you can to listen to on any standard CD player, boombox or in your car
●Audio CD 1: The alphabet and its pronunciation
●Audio CD 2: Greetings - Presentations - and the verbs to be made
●Audio CD 3: The use of the article, present progressive and adjectives
●Audio CD 4: Climate, Numbers, Irregular verbs and vocabulary to ask for and follow directions


Spanish to English 8 Audio CD Set than you can to listen to on any standard CD player, boombox or in your car Audio CD 1: El abecedario y su pronunciación - Audio CD 1: The alphabet and its pronunciation - Audio CD 2: Saludos - Presentaciones - y los verbos ser de hacer - Audio CD 2: Greetings - Presentations - and the verbs to be made - Audio CD 3: El uso del aticulo, presente progressive y los adjetivos - Audio CD 3: The use of the article, present progressive and adjectives - Audio CD 4: Clima, Números, Verbos irregulares y vocabularo para pedir y seguir dirrectiones - Audio CD 4: Climate, Numbers, Irregular verbs and vocabulary to ask for and follow directions - Audio CD 5: Dias de la semans, feches y terminos utilis para ir de compras - Audio CD 5: Days of the weeks, dates and terms you use for shopping Audio CD 6: Los restaurantes y los alimentos, los verbios irregulares - Audio CD 6: Restaurants and food, irregular verbs - Audio CD 7: Vocaulario para viajar y los verbos en tiempo pasado - Audio CD 7: Vocabulary for travel and past tense verbs - Audio CD 8: Verbos neuvos y los pronombres objectivos - Audio CD 8: Neutral verbs and objective pronouns – Please note this is being sold as 8 Audio CD Set. The 2 CD-Roms included do not run on Windows 7,8 or later, nor do they run on later MAC OS