Feature(may vary by option.)

●Rewrite times:100,000 times
●Read distance:0-10Cm(depend on the R/W device)
●Read-write card can provide different access password or logical encryption version, product security is high.
●Fully compatible to MIFARE Classic 1K,4-byte UID, 1K Byte memory, organized in 16 sectors of 4 blocks, compliant to ISO/IEC 14443A protocal



Works exactly like the MF1K, with 16 Sectors and 4 Blocks each Sector, but the Sector 0 Block Zero known as Manufacturers Block where the Chip UID is stored, can be re programmed to any UID you wish.
This is a perfect solution for a lost irreplaceable- Cards ID, you dont need to re-enroll new cards. Just program this new MF 1Ks UID to the UID of lost card then you have a new Exactly the same card.

Access control, hotel locks, staff attendance, school campus access, membership management, payment control, identification and security systems, parking lot entry, social security management, transportation, municipal and ancillary service.

Funtion: All block sector writable.Each block is rewritable and useful

Operating Specifications: Waterproof and dustproof

10pcs UID Cards

This UID card requires a card reader to write. The meaning of writing is just writing the inner code, not writing other data.
The Android Mifare Classic Tool and NFC Tools just writes data, such as date, name, etc.