
●Kusha grass, also known as Darbha grass or Dharbai, holds significance in Hindu rituals and puja ceremonies
●Kusha grass is sometimes used as a symbolic offering during puja rituals. Devotees may offer water or other substances using a bunch of Kusha grass while reciting prayers.
●Kusha grass is associated with the concept of purity. grass has purifying properties, and its presence in rituals is thought to cleanse the surroundings and the participants.
●Kusha grass used in the ritualistic bathing or anointing of deities during special ceremonies known as Abhishekam. The grass is sometimes included in the water or other liquids used for this purpose.
●Kusha grass is used to form protective circles or boundaries. Its create a sacred and protected space for the ritual.
●Kusha grass is used to make ritual implements or tools, such as whisk brooms or ritual fans, which are then used in the performance of specific religious ceremonies.


Kusha grass is sometimes used as a symbolic offering during puja rituals. Devotees may offer water or other substances using a bunch of Kusha grass while reciting prayers. Kusha grass used in the ritualistic bathing or anointing of deities during special ceremonies known as Abhishekam. The grass is sometimes included in the water or other liquids used for this purpose. Kusha grass is used to make ritual implements or tools, such as whisk brooms or ritual fans, which are then used in the performance of specific religious ceremonies.