Feature(may vary by option.)

●Designed with a bugle head, multi-purpose thread and sharp point, exterior wood-to-wood fastening projects become quick, easy, and seamless.
●Prevents staining and rusting in pressure treated wood
●Designed for decking and any exterior wood project where wood-to-wood fastening is required
●Built from durable steel and coated in brown Ruspert for a high-grade layer that protects metals from environmental corrosion
●Whats Included: one (1) torx bit and (250) #8 x 3" pieces per jar

[Jar #8 x 3   - 250 count Screws]

[Pail #8 x 2   - 4000 count Screws]

[Pail # 8 x 2 1  & 2   - 3000 count Screws]

[Jar #8 x 2   - 400 count Screws]

[Jar # 8 x 2 1  & 2   - 250 count Screws]

[Pail #8 x 3   - 2000 count Screws]


Designed for decking and any exterior wood project where wood-to-wood fastening is required. The brown Ruspert coating is a high-grade protective coating applied to metals to prevent environmental corrosion.