Feature(may vary by option.)

●SUITABLE FOR MAGURA Upgrade your biking experience with our Bike Brake Bleed Kit, perfect for Magura brakes (e.g. Magura MT5, Magura MT7, MT8, HS33 etc.). Includes bleed block for precise bleeding.
●VIDEO TUTORIAL Conquer brake maintenance with ease using our Hydraulic Brake Bleed Kit / Brake Bleeder Kit. Our video tutorial helps you through the process, with our tool set usable as magura bleed kit
●SOPHISTICATED BLEED KIT Experience top-tier brake performance with our Mineral Oil Brake Fluid made in Germany. Elevate your mountain bike with our mineral oil compatible with Magura Royal Blood
●MULTIPLE USES Unleash the potential of your mountain bike with our MTB Brake Bleed Kit. Versatile and efficient, our mountain bike hydraulic brake kit is also a valuable addition to your MTB tool kit.
●100 DAYS RETURN WINDOW Confidence comes standard with our Kit suitable as Magura Brake Bleed Kit. The 100-day return window, ensures your satisfaction with mineral mineral oil bike brakes maintenance.


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bike brake bleed kit mountain bike bleed kit road bike bleed kit hydraulic system mineral oil disc bike brake bleed kit mountain bike bleed kit road bike bleed kit hydraulic system mineral oil disc
bike brake bleed kit mountain bike bleed kit road bike bleed kit hydraulic system mineral oil disc bike brake bleed kit mountain bike bleed kit road bike bleed kit hydraulic system mineral oil disc

Compatibility - Other models

Compatible with all standard Magura brakes

Extract from model overview:

Hydraulic disc brakes:

Magura MT series: MT8 / MT7 / MT6 / MT5 /5E / MT4 /4E / MT2 / MT Trail Carbon / MT Trail Sport Magura Clara from model year 2001 Magura Gustav M Magura Julie up to 2008 / Julie HP from model year 2009 Magura Louise / FR 2002-2006 / Louise from 2007 onwards Magura Marta / SL up to 2008 / Marta (SL) from 2009 onwards

Hydraulic rim brakes:

Magura RT 8TT / RT 6TT / Magura HS 11 / HS 22 / HS 33 /R /RE

Not compatible with:

Older HS11 / HS22 / HS33 / HS66 before 2005 II Magura Clara up to 2000 II Magura Louise up to 2001

Does the bleeding set also fit my brakes?

The bleeding kit for disc brakes is suitable for all common models. You can find a detailed list in the product images and in the product description.

Is bleeding with the bleeding kit difficult and complex?

No. Even if you want to bleed your hydraulic bike brakes for the first time, its no problem. The supplied instructions are also available as a video and will guide you step by step to your goal when bleeding the brakes.

How do I get the instructions for the brake bleeding kit?

The instructions for the bleeding set with mineral oil are included in the package. You can read the instructions or watch the accompanying video on bleeding the brakes. The bleeding kit for Magura brakes contains everything you need.

How are the brake pistons secured?

Dont panic, the bleed block (brake piston blocker) secures the brake during bleeding. The brake fluid does not push the pistons out and you can concentrate fully on the bleeding kit and your brakes.

How often can the bleeding kit be used?

The bleeding kit for Magura brakes can be used 4-6 times for bleeding. If you change the brake fluid completely, the mineral oil will last for approx. 5 applications.

Product information